Introduction. Every orthomodular lattice (abbreviated : OML) is the union of its maximal Boolean subalgebras (blocks). The question thus arises how conversely Boolean algebras can be amalgamated in order to obtain an OML of which the given Boolean algebras are the blocks. This question we deal with in the present paper.The problem was first investigated by Greechie [6, 7, 8, 9]. His technique of pasting [6] will also play an important role in this paper. A case solved completely by Greechie [9] is the case that any two blocks intersect either in the bounds only or have the bounds, an atom and its complement in common. This is, of course, a very special situation. The more surprising it is that Greechie's methods, if skillfully applied, yield considerable insight into the structure of OMLs and provide a seemingly unexhaustible source for counter-examples.
Canadian Mathematical Society
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15 articles.