Let A be a quasi-central complex Banach algebra with a bounded approximate identity and Prim A the structure space of A. In [15], we have shown that every central double centralizer T on A can be represented as a bounded continuous complex-valued function ΦT on Prim A such that Tx + P = ΦT(P)(x + P) for all x ∈ A and P ∈ Primal when the center Z(A) of A is completely regular. Here x + P for P ∈ Prim A denotes the canonical image of x in A/P. In particular, in the case of quasi-central C*-algebras, this result is equivalent to the Dixmier's representation theorem of central double centralizers on C*-algebras (see [3, Section 2] and [9, Theorem 5]).In this paper, it is shown that if Z(A) is completely regular then the space Prim A is locally quasi-compact and for each element z of Z(A), ΦLz vanishes at infinity, where Lz for z ∊ Z(i) is the central double centralizer on A defined by Lz(x) = zx for all x ∊ A.
Canadian Mathematical Society
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2 articles.