Griffin Michael,Ono Ken,Rolen Larry,Tsai Wei-Lun
AbstractHausel and Rodriguez-Villegas (2015, Astérisque 370, 113–156) recently observed that work of Göttsche, combined with a classical result of Erdös and Lehner on integer partitions, implies that the limiting Betti distribution for the Hilbert schemes
$(\mathbb {C}^{2})^{[n]}$
points, as
$n\rightarrow +\infty ,$
is a Gumbel distribution. In view of this example, they ask for further such Betti distributions. We answer this question for the quasihomogeneous Hilbert schemes
$((\mathbb {C}^{2})^{[n]})^{T_{\alpha ,\beta }}$
that are cut out by torus actions. We prove that their limiting distributions are also of Gumbel type. To obtain this result, we combine work of Buryak, Feigin, and Nakajima on these Hilbert schemes with our generalization of the result of Erdös and Lehner, which gives the distribution of the number of parts in partitions that are multiples of a fixed integer
$A\geq 2.$
Furthermore, if
denotes the number of partitions of
with exactly
parts that are multiples of
, then we obtain the asymptotic
$$ \begin{align*} p_{k}(A,n)\sim \frac{24^{\frac k2-\frac14}(n-Ak)^{\frac k2-\frac34}}{\sqrt2\left(1-\frac1A\right)^{\frac k2-\frac14}k!A^{k+\frac12}(2\pi)^{k}}e^{2\pi\sqrt{\frac1{6}\left(1-\frac1A\right)(n-Ak)}}, \end{align*} $$
a result which is of independent interest.
Canadian Mathematical Society