F. B. Jones (6) has shown that, if , then every separable normal Moore space is metrizable. It is not known whether this assumption is necessary, though perhaps some progress is made in (5). However, it is easily seen from R. H. Bing's Example E in (3) that a certain condition (see (1) below) implied by is necessary. Also in (3), Bing showed that every screenable normal Moore space is metrizable. In this paper we establish that: (1) every separable normal Moore space is metrizable if and only if every uncountable subspace M of E1 contains a subset which is not an Fσ (in M); (2) if every pointwise paracompact normal Moore space is metrizable, then so is every separable normal Moore space; (3) every screenable Moore space is pointwise paracompact but not conversely; (4) a T3-space is a pointwise paracompact Moore space if and only if it has a uniform base (in the sense of (1, p. 40), not a uniformity).
Canadian Mathematical Society
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109 articles.