Preface. The impetus for this study arose from the belief that the structure of a C*-algebra is illuminated by an understanding of the manner in which abelian subalgebras embed in it. Posed in its full generality, the question concerning abelian subalgebras would seem impossible to answer. A notion of diagonal subalgebra is, however, proposed which has the virtue that one can associate a “topological”; invariant to the pair consisting of the diagonal and the ambient algebra, from which these algebras may be retrieved.In the setting of von Neumann algebras, the analogous question was addressed in the seminal work of Feldman and Moore [13]. Their definition of Cartan subalgebra permits the abstraction of a complete invariant consisting of a Borel equivalence relation together with a certain cohomology class on the relation from which the Cartan pair may be recovered. Our development parallels theirs in spirit; differences in substance derive from the topological flavor of C*-theory.
Canadian Mathematical Society
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115 articles.