Let (Q, +, ·) be a finite quasifield of dimension d over its kernel K = GF(q), where q = pk with p a prime and k ≧ 1. (See p. 18-22 and p. 74 of [7] or Section 5 of [9] for the definition of quasifield.) For the remainder of this article we will follow standard conventions and omit, whenever possible, the binary operations + and · in discussing a quasifield. For example, the notation Q will be used in place of the triple (Q, +, ·) and Q* will be used to represent the multiplicative loop (Q − {0}, ·).Let m be a non-zero element of the quasifield Q; the right multiplicative mapping ρm:Q → Q is defined by1
Canadian Mathematical Society
Cited by
2 articles.
1. Linear groups as right multiplication groups of quasifields;Designs, Codes and Cryptography;2013-07-14
2. Translation Planes;Handbook of Incidence Geometry;1995