1. In this paper, we investigate the ranges of projections on certain Banach spaces of functions defined on a diadic tree. The notion of a “tree-like” Banach space is due to James 4], who used it to construct the separable space JT which has nonseparable dual and yet does not contain l1. This idea has proved useful. In [3], Hagler constructed a hereditarily c0 tree space, HT, and Schechtman [6] constructed, for each 1 ≦ p ≦ ∞, a reflexive Banach space, STp with a 1-unconditional basis which does not contain lp yet is uniformly isomorphic to for each n.In [1] we showed that if U is a bounded linear operator on JT, then there exists a subspace W ⊂ JT, isomorphic to JT such that either U or (1 — U) acts as an isomorphism on W and UW or (1 — U)W is complemented in JT. In this paper, we establish this result for the Hagler and Schechtman tree spaces.
Canadian Mathematical Society