A finite lattice L of order n is dismantlable [6] if there is a chain L1 ⊂ L2 ⊂ . . . ⊂ Ln = L of sublattices of L such that |Li| = i for every i = 1, 2, . . . , n. In [1] it was shown that every finite planar lattice is dismantlable. Furthermore, every lattice L with |L| ≦ 7 is dismantlable [6]; in fact, every large enough lattice contains a dismantlable sublattice with precisely n elements [4]. As well, such lattices are closed under the formation of sublattices and homomorphic images [6].
Canadian Mathematical Society
Cited by
46 articles.
1. Interval-dismantling for lattices;International Journal of Approximate Reasoning;2023-08
2. Factorizing lattices by interval relations;International Journal of Approximate Reasoning;2023-06
3. Covering energy of posets and its bounds;Mathematica Bohemica;2022-10-17
4. Dismantlability, connectedness, and mixing in relational structures;Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B;2021-03
5. Incomparability graphs of dismantable lattices;Asian-European Journal of Mathematics;2018-10-31