A space X is in-expandable, where
m is an infinite cardinal, if for every locally finite
collection {Hα| α ∈ A} of subsets of
X with |A| ≦
m(cardinality of A ≦ m)
there exists a locally finite collection of open subsets
{Gα| α ∈ A} such that
Hα ⊆ Gα for every α ∈ A.
X is expandable if it is
m-expandable for every cardinal m. The
notion of expandability is closely related to that of collection wise
normality introduced by Bing [1], X is
collectionwise normal if for every discrete collection
of subsets {Hα|α ∈ A} there is a discrete
collection of open subsets {Gα|α ∈ A} such that
Hα ⊆ Gα for every α ∈ A. Expandable
spaces share many of the properties possessed by collectionwise normal
spaces. For example, an expandable developable space is metrizable and an
expandable metacompact space is paracompact.
Canadian Mathematical Society
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42 articles.