Relación entre la velocidad de lanzamiento y la fuerza específica evaluada a través de dinamometría electromecánica funcional (DEMF) en jugadores de balonmano


Aguilar Sánchez Javier,Ruiz-Orellana Lorenzo,Chirosa-Ríos Luis Javier,Enrique Lozano Zapata Rafael,Bustos Viviescas Brian Johan,Chirosa-Ríos Ignacio,Rodríguez-Perea Ángela,Morenas-Aguilar María Dolores


Objective. To study the relationship between the specific strength in handball, assessed with Functional Electromechanical Dynamometer (FEMD), and throwing velocity. Methods. Thirteen Spanish elite handball players were evaluated (28.77 ± 4.81 years, 90.19 ± 13.07 kg y 1.86 ± 0.10 m) during the preseason. A day of familiarization with the throwing velocity and strength test with FEMD was performed. One week later, the assessment of specific strength, including the upper and lower body (unilateral pullover test and step forward test) and throwing velocity was conducted by the subjects. Results. Significant correlations were found between (i) throwing velocity peak and isometric strength mean in unilateral pullover test with the dominant hand (r = 0.548, p = 0.05), and (ii) between throwing velocity peak and step forward test with the dominant leg (r = 0.628, p = 0.02). Conclusion. Training exercises closer to real game situations are positively related to performance enhancement in handball players. Therefore, the use of devices that allow the assessment and training at the same time in specific situations, should be extended in the sport coaches and researches.


Universidad de Extremadura - Servicio de Publicaciones

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