Efectos de un programa basado en hang power clean sobre la capacidad de salto de un equipo profesional de balonmano femenino


Guridi Ibai,Formoso Ander,Castellano Julen


Coaches use olympic exercise training to improve the power generation of athletes, as it has a high potential to increase the ratio of force development, and thus, sports performance. The aim of this study was to describe the effects of an intervention using the hang power clean in elite female handball players. Fifteen players from the same team participated, who competed in the Spanish first division (DHF guerreras Iberdrola) during the 2021-2022 season (age: 25.2 ±2.4 years, weight: 70.4 ±7.9 kg, height: 171.2 ±5.3 cm). The players were evaluated both at the beginning and at the end of the 6-week intervention, in two types of vertical jump: Abalakov and Double contact jump. The results showed significant improvements from pre- to post-test in all the variables analyzed, with the exception of those related to starting speed. This information seems to indicate that a short training program in which hang power clean work is emphasized could increase the vertical jump capacity of professional handball players, as well as improve their muscular stiffness. The results found can be extrapolated to other female athletes in which the force management requirements are similar.


Universidad de Extremadura - Servicio de Publicaciones








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