Being a competent coach and authentic leader influences the fulfillment of the athlete's basic psychological needs
Container-title:E-balonmano com Journal Sports Science
Soto García Diego,Reynoso Sánchez Luis Felipe,Lagunes Carrasco José Omar,Fernández Barradas Erick Yael
The present study aims to determine the mediating effect that authentic coach leadership has on the interaction between coach competence and athletes' perceived support for basic psychological needs (BPN). A cross-sectional study was conducted with 115 team sports players (17.96 ±2.85 years of age; 8.18 ±4.67 years of experience) using the Basic Psychological Needs Support, Perceived Authentic Leadership, and Athletes' Perceptions of Coach Competence questionnaires. Correlation and mediation analyses (Coach Competence → Authentic Leadership → BPN Support) were performed. The results show a positive and significant indirect effect (ƥ = 0.288; 95% CI = 0.167, 0.415) of authentic leadership on the direct interaction between coach competence and BPN support (ƥ = 0.277; p < 0.01), increasing the total model effect (ƥ = 0.555; p < 0.01) to aid athletes' perceived BPN support when their coaches are competent and authentic leaders. In conclusion, it is not enough to be a well-prepared coach, he/she must also have the ability to lead, motivate and make decisions taking care of his/her interrelationships with athletes and promoting the satisfaction of basic psychological needs.
Universidad de Extremadura - Servicio de Publicaciones