Análisis de la eficacia de los lanzamientos a portería en balonmano femenino en Tokio 2020


Camarano Alex,González-Ramírez Andrés,Trejo-Silva Alejandro


In handball, throwing is the most relevant technical-tactical action. Therefore, the analysis of throwing efficacy is relevant, especially in elite women's handball, where the number of studies is limited. The aim was to analyze contextual and gestural aspects of the throws of the medal-winning teams and their rivals in women's handball at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. The 21 matches played by the medal-winning teams were analyzed, recording 1940 throws. The guidelines of observational methodology were followed, creating an "ad hoc" instrument. The main results showed that the effectiveness of the medalists (64.9%) was significantly higher (p<0.001) than that of their opponents (56.5%) according to the zones of the field, prevailing the use of the pivot and central-lateral zones without opposition. The throw with lateral arming prevailed in medalists over rivals (p<0.05). Throwing efficacy remained superior throughout the game (p<0.05) with the period from the 20th to the 30th minute standing out. It is concluded that medalists tended to shoot in situations with only one player facing the goalkeeper. The efficiency of the medal-winning teams was higher throughout the game time, using a greater variability of gestures.


Universidad de Extremadura - Servicio de Publicaciones







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