1. American Planning Association. (2021) Knowledgebase collection: Social equity. https://www.planning.org/knowledgebase/equity/
2. Bahamas Department of Statistics. (2012a). Abaco 2010 census of population and housing. https://tinyurl.com/2010BahamasCensusAbaco
3. Bahamas Department of Statistics. (2012b). Grand Bahama 2010 census of population and housing. https://tinyurl.com/2010BahamasCensusGrandBahama
4. Bahamas Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development, Department of Social Services. (2020). Islands of The Bahamas 2020 official hurricane shelters (updated as at 27th July, 2020). https://tinyurl.com/NEMAshelterlist2020
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