1. Cabinet Records.Irving’s Written Statement, Evidence.The National Archives of the UK. Public Record Office 27/92, vol. 3, 180.
2. Churchill, W. (8 July 1920). Winston Churchill's speech in the House of Commons. http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/churchill/amritsar.htm (14.02.2020).
3. Coates, T. (2001). ed. The Amritsar Massacre. HMSO. London.
4. Collett, Nigel, The Butcher of Amritsar (London, Continuum Publishing, 2007), 257.
5. Command. (1920). Correspondence between the Government of India and the Secretary of State for India on the Report of Lord Hunter’s Committee. Parliamentary PapersLondon, vol 14, 705.