Occurence and distribution of two new libellulids (Odonata: Insecta) of the Kashmir Valley, India: Orthetrum sabina (Drury, 1770) and Palpopleura sexmacaluta (Fabricius, 1787)


Tahir Gazanfar ,Khaleel Mehreen


Odonates from the Kashmir Himalaya have been least studied with only 22 species reported from this region. After a long gap of 41 years, the present work forms the first observations on occurence and distribution of two new odonates from the Kashmir valley. Two dragonflies Orthetrum sabina (Drury, 1770) and Palpopleura sexmaculata (Fabricius, 1787) belonging to the family Libellulidae are reported for the first time from this region. The findings open new insights about phenology, distribution patterns, behaviour, and the effects of climate change on Himalayan Odonata. 


Wildlife Information Liaison Development Society


Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Nature and Landscape Conservation,Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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