Objective: The objective is to investigate the national scenario of research on urban sustainability related to water resources in the face of national and international public policies.
Theoretical Framework: The conception of the current urban infrastructure will not be sufficient to support the impacts of extreme phenomena predicted for the near future. The incorporation of sustainable technologies that incorporate the concept of ecosystem services is a perspective that envisions the resilience necessary for urban centers to accommodate the socio-environmental and economic structure in the future.
Method: The methodology adopted for this research comprises data analysis using a quantitative and qualitative approach, exploring theses and dissertations on the urban sustainability of water resources between 2007 and 2000. Data collection was carried out through a survey of secondary data contained in the institutional repositories of four higher education institutions in Brazil.
Results and Discussion: The results revealed that research on urban sustainability is growing in Brazil, but research on urban sustainability related to water resources is recent and few. These results are contextualized in the light of national and international government initiatives, highlighting the implications, relationships, discrepancies and limitations of the study..
Research Implications: The practical and theoretical implications providing insights that can influence research on water problems in urban spaces. These can imply paradigm shifts considering urban sustainability and the impacts of urbanization on water resources.
Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by presenting research gaps present in higher education institutions in Brazil, in the face of international and national government initiatives. The relevance and value are evidenced by the need for a paradigm shift in order to incorporate the principles of sustainability, specifically considering water resources, due to the growing demand and vulnerability to climate change.
RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
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