Objective: To evaluate the chemical attributes of a yellow Latosol from two agroforestry systems with organic citrus cultivation.
Method: First agroforestry system (AFS 1), with organic Citrus x aurantium (L.) orange planted in consortium with Brazilian mahogany Swietenia macrophylla (King) and spontaneous species in the undergrowth (herbaceous); Second agroforestry system (AFS 2), with organic orange planted in consortium with ingá Ínga edulis Mart and embaubeira Cecropia peltata L. (spontaneous); orange monoculture under conventional management, used as a control for comparisons with the agroforestry systems studied. A completely randomized design (DIC) was used, with four collection points in each of the AFSs at 3 depths, with 4 repetitions.
Results and discussions: The data was submitted to analysis of variance, with means compared using the Tukey test at 5%. There were significant differences between the treatments in isolation and in their interactions for all the variables studied, with the exception of pH, which responded only in isolation, and the C\N ratio, which did not show significant results for the depth factor. The treatments located in the crop rows within the agroforestry system areas had better chemical attributes, maintaining more suitable conditions for supplying the nutritional demand of citrus fruits.
Implications of the research: The results obtained strengthen the importance of using agroforestry systems (AFSs) as a viable and sustainable solution for agricultural and forestry production, due to the use of practices that cause fewer impacts and contribute to the restoration of impoverished or abandoned areas.
RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
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