Objective: The objective of this research was to analyze the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the environment in Brazil
Methodology: The research was conducted through an integrative review, using searches on Google Scholar and Scielo with specific keywords. Inclusion criteria were applied to select complete, free Brazilian scientific articles published between 2020 and 2023, excluding other types of studies. Data analysis involved two stages: reading abstracts and titles, followed by the complete reading of selected articles, resulting in a sample of four articles for analysis.
Results and data analysis: The COVID-19 pandemic represented an unprecedented event in contemporary history, causing profound impacts on human life. Through an analysis of available studies, it was possible to investigate the effects of this crisis on the environment. Initially, an opportunity was observed for a deep reflection on the complex interaction between these domains, evidenced by the significant temporary reduction in air and noise pollution and pressure on natural ecosystems, resulting from the slowdown in human activities. However, it is crucial to recognize the transitory nature of these benefits and the pressing need for a holistic and forward-looking approach to formulating policies and practices that promote environmental sustainability, contemplating not only the temporary reduction of human activity but also a reshaping fundamental aspect of society and the economy from an ecological and sustainable perspective. Furthermore, the importance of addressing the disproportionate impacts on vulnerable communities is highlighted, especially in the global and local context, as evidenced by the challenges faced by family farming in Brazil during the pandemic period.
Conclusion: It is concluded that environmental awareness and the adoption of sustainable practices emerge as crucial elements to face the challenges posed by the pandemic, requiring a review of consumption habits, investment in renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure, and promotion of environmental education.
RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
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