Feasibility of Energy Self-Sufficiency by Biomass Production in A Brazilian State


Calciolari Carla Ingrid Fabreti,Rossato Fabrícia Gladys Fernandes da SilvaORCID


Objective: This study aims to analyze the potential of using industrial black liquor or black lye residue from the eucalyptus pulp and paper production process as an alternative source of energy, in order to alleviate the current energy crisis.   Theoretical framework: The study is based on literature regarding energy generation from biomass, focusing on the utilization of black liquor residue in thermoelectric power generation. Therefore, the thermoelectric generation from black liquor or black lye, cellulose biomass residue as an alternative source in energy generation, characterizes an important electrical feedback path in pulp production processes, also generating surplus energy for the supply network, relief of demand in the face of the current energy crisis.   Method: The methodology employed in this study entails applied research, that investigates energy generation from black liquor in integrated plants of eucalyptus forest biomass, in reforestation areas for pulp production.   Results and conclusion: The results indicate that energy generation from black liquor is a viable alternative to mitigate the current energy crisis, contributing to regional sustainable development. Projections suggest that by 2024, 85% of bioenergy can will be generated from this source in in the micro-region of Brazil. Therefore, adequate planning brings great expectations for regional sustainable development.   Implications of the research: The research contributes to advancing scientific knowledge in the field of energy generation from biomass, demonstrating the potential of black liquor residue as an alternative energy source.   Originality/value: The research contributes to advancing scientific knowledge in the field of energy generation from biomass, demonstrating the potential of black liquor residue as an alternative energy source.


RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental

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