Social Management in The Face of Protection and Risk Factors For Violence in University Students


Palacios-Serna Lina IrisORCID,Santana-Mora Carlos AlbertoORCID,Velazco-Reyes BenjamínORCID,Cortez-Chávez Claudia VirginiaORCID,Duran-Llaro Kony LubyORCID


Objective: to analyze the risk and protective factors against violence associated with resilience and family functionality.    Method: A non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive design was used with a sample of 335 teenage university students studying psychology, both men and women, from 3 universities in Trujillo. The following instruments were used: The Resilience Scale, by Wagnild and Young, the Family Functioning Assessment Scale – FACES III, and the Family Cohesion and Adaptability Scale by Olson, Porhner and Lavee.   Results and discussion: The existence of protective factors against violence in resilience and family cohesion is evident. Regarding the adaptability indicator of family functionality, the flexible and structured family is associated with the protection factor against violence. However, rigid and chaotic families are associated as a risk factor for violence, with the risk factor prevailing for this group in the presence of chaotic families.   Implications of the research: it contributes to the understanding of the variable with respect to its descriptive categories in university students, from which greater evidence and new studies aimed at explaining, associating or predicting the variables can be generated.   Originality/Value: it was important because it analyzes protective and risk factors against violence, so that subsequent strategies can be used to reduce it and strengthen protective factors.


RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental

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