Introduction: This study aims to determine the strategy for implementing policies for the Sorong Special Economic Zone, which is located in the Province of Southwest Papua-Indonesia, through a science-based public policy approach using the perspective of experts' opinions.
Methods: The methodology consists of qualitative research and uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method in the analysis process. Qualitative analysis is used to identify factors and sub-factors that influence policy implementation through a synthesis of several policy implementation theories. Meanwhile, the AHP method was used to determine the experts' choices regarding alternative strategies for implementing SEZ policies in Sorong.
Result and Discussion: The results of the research show that communication and the level of technical difficulty of problems are factors and sub-factors that greatly influence the SEZ policy implementation process in Sorong.
Conclusion: The best strategy for implementing the SEZ policy in Sorong is to use optimistic alternatives implemented through a different approach, considering cultural factors in the implementation process and having an adaptation strategy to face changes in the situation and conditions of the global economy in the future to maintain the sustainability of the policy.
RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
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