Objective: The aim of this research is to analyze deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon region since 1988, identifying patterns and determining factors. Additionally, it seeks to propose solutions to reduce the advancement of deforestation in the region.
Theoretical reference: The theoretical framework of this research is based on concepts and theories related to deforestation, including previous studies on the impacts and causes of deforestation in the Legal Amazon.
Methodology: The method used in this research is time series analysis, utilizing reliable data from satellite images and official reports. The analysis includes evaluating trends over time, identifying determining factors through regression analyses, and assessing ecological, social, and economic impacts.
Results and Conclusion: The results reveal significant changes in deforestation rates over the analyzed period. They also identify key driving factors such as agricultural expansion, infrastructure development, and land-use dynamics. The impacts of deforestation, including biodiversity loss and the displacement of indigenous communities, are highlighted.
Research Implications: The implications of this research are extensive and cover public policies, conservation practices, and sustainable development. It emphasizes the need for immediate actions to curb deforestation, protecting biodiversity, ecosystem services, and the rights of indigenous communities.
Originality/Value: The originality of this research lies in the combination of time series analysis with the proposal of comprehensive solutions to the problem of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. According to this study, time series analysis revealed that the main implications for deforestation in the Legal Amazon are associated with mining and soybean cultivation.
RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
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