Employee Green Behavior In Shipping Industry: A Scale Development Study


Nurcholis GartiniaORCID,Supriyono BambangORCID,Hakim LuchmanORCID,Hermawan RomyORCID


Objective: The purpose of this study is to develop a scale of employee green behavior measurement tools by testing five behavioral taxonomy in forming a green behavior ship crew.   Theoretical Framework: In this topic, the rapid development of marine logistics contains consequences for maritime environmental problems.  Air and water pollution that occurs in the sea, around 70-80% is claimed to occur because human behavior does not pay attention to environmental maintenance in carrying out their work activities. Employee behavior in maintaining a sustainable work environment is known as Employee Green Behavior.   Method: This study is a quantitative research with a survey method. The overall structure and measurement of the scale are confirmed by the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Analysis using SEM AMOS 24 software.   Results and Discussion: The results show that the EGB instrument used has met the criteria for the validity and reliability of the measuring instrument. The results of the study also explain that the factors that shape Employee Green Behavior in ship crews in the shipping industry, consist of conserving, working sustainability, avoiding harm, influencing others, and taking initiative.   Research Implications: This Employee Green Behavior Scale can be used to understand how behavior (act and do) ship crew in maintaining environmental sustainability while working in accordance with their job duties on the ship, so that an Employee Green Behavior behavior model can be developed to support the environmental performance of shipping companies.   Originality/Value: This research contributes to formulating the EGB measurement tool scale in the shipping industry.


RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental








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