Evaluation of Consumption and Changes in Water use During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Population of Aracaju


Lima Flavia de JesusORCID,Faccioli Gregorio GuiradoORCID,Gomes Filho Raimundo RodriguesORCID,Dos Santos Alane Regina RodriguesORCID,Santos Ketylen VieiraORCID


Objective: To evaluate changes in water use during the covid-19 pandemic in the municipality of Aracaju, SE.   Theoretical reference: This study was conducted based on theoretical foundations, highlighting how the new coronavirus pandemic affected people's lives and the importance of using water in combating the pandemic and maintaining water supply services for the population of Aracaju water, especially for people who are in a vulnerable state.   Method: A methodology explored the hypothetical-deductive with a qualitative-quantitative approach. To meet the proposed objectives, data was collected from the supply company DESO, using macro meters, for an analysis of the volumes distributed and consumed, during the covid-19 pandemic.   Results and conclusion: Among the neighborhoods surveyed, José Conrado de Araújo was the one with the highest volume of water distributed. The 13 de Julho neighborhood had the largest volume micromeasured, that is, consumed. A questionnaire was administered on the understanding of water use and sustainable practices during the pandemic, and it was found that those interviewed knew the importance of its reuse, although in practice they did not do so.   Implications of the research: In the face of pandemic situations, with the imposition of social isolation and protective measures linked to the use of water, the interruption of daily activities in businesses, schools and services considered non-essential, the confinement of people in their homes and encouraging the use of water for hand hygiene led to a notable increase in residential water consumption in the metropolis of Aracaju compared to 2018 and 2019.   Originality/value: The study has environmental, social, economic and scientific value with proven information and the originality of the expositions based on the understanding of aspects related to water use is important to add relevant information on ensuring a water supply system continuously and sustainably, in the face of a pandemic.


RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental


Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Geography, Planning and Development

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