Formulation of Natural Food Coloring Based on Cempasúchil (TAGETES ERECTA) in Traditional Mexican Day of The Dead Bread


Paredes Yesbek Rocío MoralesORCID,Carrillo Teresa Gladys CerónORCID,Rojas Mariana EliosaORCID,Gutiérrez Karla Paola RodríguezORCID


Objective: To develop a natural colorant from the marigold flower through 7 extraction methods, to substitute the use of artificial colorants in the elaboration of traditional Mexican Day of the Dead bread.   Theoretical framework: Flowers have been used as food, decoration, medicine and pigment due to their attributes; in Mexico there is the marigold flower known for its use in the Day of the Dead celebration. Several studies have shown negative consequences of the consumption of artificial foods on human health, an example is the artificial colorants that can be substituted by the natural ones contained in flowers.   Methods: In this descriptive, cross-sectional and mixed article, 7 methods of extraction of dye from cempasúchil flowers for use in pan de muerto were developed by students and researchers of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.   Results and discussion: The tones obtained in the bread were green (undesirable for consumption), derived from the extraction method used, being also important factors the use of inputs of animal or vegetable origin and the preparation techniques.   Practical implications: linked to the stabilization and fixation of the color in the bread due to the fact that the cempasúchil enzymes reacted when in contact with the pH of the dough, friction, oxygen and temperature, resulting in the green color.   Originality: The present study contributes to promote the creation of natural colorant alternatives based on edible flowers through natural methods to obtain them.


RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental

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