Background: The COVID-19 pandemic spurred a revolutionary shift in education, notably in language acquisition. Rooted in the principles of sustainable development, this study probes the post-pandemic linguistic pedagogy, spotlighting the refinement of English as a second language's (ESL) receptive and expressive competencies within this novel framework.
Method: With a targeted approach to Language Skills (LSRW) acquisition, employing 25 meticulously selected eLearning applications, it addresses the reconfiguration of English language instruction following the pandemic-induced disruption of conventional methods.
Results: These digital resources facilitated unprecedented levels of engagement, ensnaring students' focus through compelling visual aids. Furthermore, they bridged the scholastic divide between educators and learners. Consequently, students found these platforms indispensable for acquiring English as a second language in the online setting. This inquiry propels a call for further investigation into harnessingtechnology-driven learning to enhance ESL environments, all firmly grounded in the foundational principles of sustainable development. It emphasizes the imperative of fostering environmentally conscious and socially inclusive educational practices.
Conclusion:Ultimately, it stands as an invaluable compendium for English language educators worldwide, furnishing insights to surmount the pandemic-induced pedagogical hurdles and embrace the innovative learning prospects it has ushered in, while advancing the cause of sustainable development in education.
RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental