Objective: The purpose of the study is to examine a relationship between Perceived Recovery Justice and Customer Repurchase Intention in Service firms. It also examines the mediating role of Emotional forgiveness between Perceived Recovery Justice and Repurchase Intention and moderating role of Gender between perceived recovery justice and customer recovery satisfaction. Theoretical framework: Justice theory assess the consumer’s recovery experience by assessing the satisfaction level over the joint performance in terms of various types of justice, such as interaction, procedure, and distribution. Customer recovery satisfaction plays a crucial role in deciding repurchase intention and the growth of service firms. Due to this fact Customer Recovery in After-sales services has proven to be of significant area for formulating a strategic framework for a company. Therefore, the study focuses on assessing the effect of Recovery Justice of customers on Repurchase Intention. The study includes various factors such as procedural justice, interactional justice, distributive justice, emotional forgiveness on repurchases intention of customers. Moderating effect of gender between perceived recovery justice and customer recovery satisfaction is assessed. Method: Descriptive cross sectional research design was adopted for the study. A Structured Questionnaire was shared with the Customers of selected service firms that reported a Service Grievance recently. Convenience sampling technique was adopted in the study. Questionnaire was distributed to a total of 212 respondents out of which 196 valid responses were taken for data analysis. Results and conclusion: The results of the study reveal that perceived recovery justice had a significant impact on Customer Recovery Satisfaction, which in turn positively affected repurchase intention. Implications of the research: The Findings of the study may enable the service providers to provide consumers with clearly understandable explanations for any service failure and explain how the recovery efforts will be compensated for the failure. Originality/value: This paper offers insight for service firms into how to effectively deal with service grievances and bring service recovery satisfaction.
RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Geography, Planning and Development
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