Development of A Man-Machine Interface for Managing Photovoltaic Energy: Applied Study


Pinheiro ElisângelaORCID,Muller Felipe MartinsORCID,Candeia Ezequias DanielORCID,Moretto Marcos AntônioORCID


Objective: Develop and evaluate a human-machine interface (HMI) that integrates advanced monitoring, forecasting, and management functionalities for photovoltaic solar energy systems, aiming to optimize energy production and operational efficiency.   Theoretical Framework: This study is based on concepts of modeling and simulation, solar energy management, and problem-solving methodologies such as Soft System Methodology (SSM).   Method: An applied approach was adopted using modeling, simulation, and statistical analysis techniques. The research included a bibliographic review in scientific databases, a case study, and SSM to organize and solve complex problems. 121 digital solar energy platforms in Brazil were analyzed to define the interface requirements. The interface was developed with React JS, Axios, Bootstrap v5, Apache Echarts, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python libraries for forecasting models.   Results and Discussion: The interface, named "Solar Smart Manager," enables efficient monitoring and management of energy production using critical data such as temperature, time of day, and solar irradiation. Tests in a real operational environment demonstrated improvements in energy management, incident response, and preventive maintenance. The functionality of validating solar radiation incidence data represents a significant contribution to the energy sector, promoting sustainability and innovation.   Research Implications: The practical and theoretical implications of this research provide insights into the efficient and optimized management of photovoltaic solar energy systems, contributing to a better understanding and optimization of available solar resources.   Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by developing an innovative interface that improves operational efficiency and solar energy management. The relevance and value of this research are evidenced by its positive impact on the energy sector, promoting sustainability and innovation.


RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental

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