“Efficiency of Carlson Modeling of Eutrophication of the Inner Bay - Puno Lake Titicaca”


Maquera Yuselino MaqueraORCID,Talavera Fran Olger LinoORCID,Pasco Pedro Alvaro Edwin GallegosORCID,Apaza-Ticona JorgeORCID,Alvarez Nely AliagaORCID,Flores Rene Justo QuispeORCID,Apaza-Chino JulianORCID


Objectives: Determine the degree of water contamination, expressed as a percentage of pure water; Quantify and evaluate water quality; recognize the sources of pollution and know the most relevant pollutants of the channels and mechanisms of eutrophication.   Theoretical Framework: Pollution, water quality, pollution sources, tributaries-channels and eutrophication mechanisms.   Method: The trophic state index of Carlson (1977) or TSI (Trophic State Index) was used. It is a longitudinal study from 2008 to 2016. With 15 sampling points, 12 times a year, evaluating the physical, chemical and microbiological parameters at each sampling point at 20% and 80% of the water column.   Results and Discussion: Use modeling to predict the concentration of contaminants for the different treatment alternatives. Likewise, give a description of a model to estimate water quality. In conclusion, we indicate that the Carlson trophic state index has determined that the most relevant pollutants in the eutrophication process of the Interior Bay are nutrients and phosphates, these coming from the discharge of domestic wastewater from the city of Puno.   Research implications: The study will serve to evaluate the behavior of water quality and implement mitigation policies.   Originality/Value: This study will contribute to monitoring and treating wastewater.


RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental

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