Hyponymy From a Semiotic Point of View


Assis Francielly Las Casas deORCID,Valim Fernanda AssunçãoORCID,Oliveira Samuel Henrique Giarola deORCID,Santos Lucas Ribeiro dosORCID,Santos White José dosORCID


Purpose: In this article, by considering the linguistic symbols, the author shows that the recognition of this relation depends on the encyclopedic knowledge of sign users.   Theoretical Framework: From the hyponymic point of view, this article concerns signs whose referents are in another possible relations can be expanded to different types of sign.   Result and Discussion: The writer used two kinds of signs for showing the truth-value of the assumption. First, signs which are compound and are the result of a selection and combination of different referents. Second, the signs which, by changing the Context B, change their identity and interpretation.   Value/Originality: Hyponymy is one of the most well-known lexical relations in lexical semantics world. Accordingly, the aim of this article is to demonstrate how hyponymic lexical and it is possible to generalize this relation to other types of signs in semiotics.


RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental

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