Overcoming Stunting Through Local Wisdom Community Towards a Food Consumption Diversity: A Preliminary Research of Torbangun Leaves (Coleus Amboinicus L) Biscuit


Nababan DonalORCID,Ismail RizabuanaORCID,Sihotang DeviORCID


Objective: This paper shows that torbangun leaves (Coleus Amboinicus L) are suitable for nursing mothers in a practical, comfortable, and healthy form according to the standards of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, namely in the form of biscuits. In the Batak ethnic group in Indonesia, it was found that local wisdom in the community that torbangun leaves are believed to improve the quality of breast milk for infants aged 12-24 months. Various studies show that the torbangun leaf contains elements that can increase a baby's height and nutrition.   Method: The research was conducted experimentally to obtain biscuits from torbangun leaves based on the biscuits' aroma, texture, taste, and color. The last method is to intervene in stunting children aged 12-24 months. Children were grouped into children who were given biscuits with torbangun leaves and children who were given biscuits without torbangun leaves for three months every day.   Result and Conclusion: The findings from the organoleptic test showed that the most suitable biscuits to be given to children aged 12-24 months were biscuits with the addition of torbangun leaf flour. There was a significant difference in body length in children who were given biscuits mixed with torbangun leaves and without torbangun leaves.   Research implications: Research related to food consumption diversity comes from traditional knowledge of the Toba Batak ethnicity, which can be modified into healthy food to overcome stunting. From this initial research, the food industry can develop it into biscuits as a supplement for children aged 6-24 months.   Originality/value: The value of this study lies in new findings in the field of supplementary diet and food consumption diversity for nutritional improvement in children aged 6 -24 months. To ensure reliability, the habit of adding food supplements to nursing mothers based on traditional knowledge of one ethnicity was studied through laboratory studies. Furthermore, the raw materials always used by breastfeeding mothers are checked to be modified into biscuits so that they are easy to obtain, easy to use, and low cost.


RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental

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