Management of Micro and Small Enterprises (MPEs): Sales Forecasting in the Retail Sector


Araújo Gabryelly Macionila Costa deORCID,Silva Anderson Luís daORCID,Gonçalves Helen SilvaORCID,Correia Ana Maria MagalhãesORCID


Objective: Analyze how micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the retail sector conduct their sales forecasts and what are the main challenges faced in this process.   Theoretical Framework: In a highly competitive business environment, efficiency is crucial for companies seeking to offer high-quality products and services quickly and at minimal cost. Sales forecasting has emerged as an essential tool for anticipating market trends and ensuring competitive advantages.   Method: A structured questionnaire with 38 questions was developed for managers of micro and small businesses in the retail sector of Mamanguape/PB. The questionnaire was designed with open and closed questions about sales forecasts. The companies were selected based on intentionality and convenience criteria, and then the on-site visit period began to obtain the data.   Results and Discussion: Approximately 60% of the sample revealed that microentrepreneurs perform sales forecasts subjectively, and most of them do not report difficulties in this process. However, 86.67% acknowledged errors in their sales forecasts. These results highlight the need to improve forecast accuracy and explore more objective methods to guide strategic decisions.   Research Implications: The theoretical and practical implications suggest the need to deepen understanding of the limitations of subjective forecasting methods and investigate the effectiveness of objective and quantitative techniques, and highlight the importance of providing education and training in forecasting techniques, developing accessible tools, and implementing feedback and adjustment processes to improve forecast accuracy and support more informed strategic decisions.   Originality/Value: Provide specific insights into the effectiveness and implementation of sales forecasting techniques in micro and small businesses, contributing to a better understanding of how these businesses can improve their operations and make more informed decisions.


RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental

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