Objective: This study aims to analyze the progress and challenges related to the use of skin grafts in plastic surgery, with the purpose of providing a comprehensive understanding of the associated techniques and clinical considerations.
Theoretical Framework: A review of the fundamentals of plastic surgery is presented, emphasizing the importance of skin grafts in wound and deformity reconstruction, as well as exploring the impact of tissue engineering on the evolution of these techniques.
Method: This study is based on a systematic review of the scientific literature, following recognized guidelines. Relevant articles addressing different types of skin grafts, their clinical applications, and associated procurement techniques were selected.
Results and Discussion: The results of the review highlight the variety of skin grafts available and their respective indications. The discussion addresses the challenges in selecting the appropriate type of graft and the ethical issues related to its procurement and use.
Implications of the Research: This study offers important insights for plastic surgeons and researchers on best practices in skin graft utilization, emphasizing the need for ethical considerations and specific care in graft selection and procurement.
Originality/Value: It contributes to the literature by providing a comprehensive analysis of skin graft techniques in plastic surgery, including recent advancements and emerging issues. Its relevance lies in the practical guidance it offers to professionals in the field.
RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
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