Purpose: The purpose of this research is to find outpublic perception of Polda Metro Jaya's performance regarding policing actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, knowing how Kapolda Metro Jaya manages the Instagram account @kapoldametrojaya as one of the strategy implementations in carrying out public communication strategies related to policing actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, getting answers to the need Polri's strategy in managing the COVID-19 pandemic by paying attention to public communication strategies.
Method: The research method in this study uses a qualitative method which seeks to explain social phenomena from the perspective of perceived barriers which are one of the causes of the lack of community participation to prevent the spread of COVID-19. and using case study research. This research is based on the type of case study, including the type of exploratory case study research. Using the case study method, researchers will explore Polda Metro Jaya's communication strategy in managing public perceptions regarding overcoming the Covid-19 Pandemic through research on Polda Metro Jaya's Instagram account. In this research, the case study method was carried out using a qualitative approach which discussed improving the image of the Police. This research focuses on the Instagram account of the Metro Jaya Police Chief as the highest ranking officer in the Metro Jaya Police, DKI Jakarta and this research focuses on the Metro Jaya Police Chief's digital communication strategy process. So the approach in this research uses a more qualitative and comprehensive case study to describe the police's self-image for the sake of a humanist communication strategy. Primary data sources are objects observed directly in the field and data obtained through interviewed informants. In this research, informants came from police institutions, community leaders, local government and academics. This data is also accompanied by photo, image and map data to complement the primary data. Secondary data sources are documents or written sources in general. Secondary data is obtained from research results, journals, the internet and matters related to data needs. This secondary data is useful for researchers to understand more deeply the problem that is the object of research. Researchers try to attend and interact with informants as intensively as possible on various occasions, such as routine monthly activities involving key informants, jointly carrying out activities at the research location, and participating in other activities. This was done because in accordance with the research method used, the data collection process was carried out in a natural setting (natural conditions). The data was collected through participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation.
Results and conclusion: Based on the literature review and analysis carried out, Polda Metro Jaya's policing actions in the COVID-19 pandemic era made a significant contribution to overcoming COVID-19. in the Jakarta area and surrounding areas. The interaction between the community and Polda Metro Jaya has built "trust" and narrowed the communication gap due to social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Polri communication meta-typology strategy has advantages, as it can be better adapted to address the needs and concerns of different segments of the population and to facilitate the implementation of recommended behaviors that can help the Polri in managing crises.
Research implications: It is hoped that this research will have scientific implications and when planning and implementing communication strategies, it will be taken into consideration by National Police agencies, especially Regional Police Chiefs or prospective Regional Police Chiefs, Police Chiefs or prospective Police Chiefs throughout Indonesia to improve effective communication strategies in managing public perception, so that policing performance Regional units obtain strong legitimacy from the community in carrying out police duties and functions. Thus, this research will be useful for managers of the National Police organization in understanding the importance of optimizing communication strategies aimed at managing public perception.
Originality/value: This research explores the Communication Strategy of the Metro Jaya Police Chief's Instagram Account as a fundamental typology of the Indonesian National Police that supports a humanist approach to public communication. In this research, researchers conducted interviews with several sources within Polda Metro Jaya, Police Headquarters, as well as several non-police sources of information. Apart from that, interviews were also conducted with the Head of the Police Public Relations Division, non-Police personnel who volunteered to work to support the implementation of police strategies.
RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
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