Employee and Management Preparedness in Facing Fire Disasters at Public Fuel Filling Stations in Pinrang District


Sahrani ,Russeng Syamsiar S.,Muis Masyitha,Naiem Furqaan,Thamrin Yahya,Wahiduddin


Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the preparedness of employees and management in dealing with fires at Public Fuel Filling Stations in Pinrang District.   Theoretical Framework: In this topic, the main concepts and theories that underpin the research are presented. Disaster experiences influence a person's preparedness according to the theory of Havwina (2016) and Sadeka (2020), Experience in the past will have an influence on behavior in the future, so that it becomes a learning.   Method: The method used is mixed methods, which is a research step by combining two pre-existing forms of research, namely qualitative research and quantitative research. This study involved 121 respondents using purposive sampling techniques, of which 112 respondents filled out the employee preparedness questionnaire and 9 respondents as informants to assess management preparedness. Variables were measured using a questionnaire and indept interview.   Results and Discussion: The results showed that there was a significant relationship between disaster experience and emergency response plan, early warning system, resource mobilization and employee preparedness. The results also showed that there was no significant relationship between disaster experience and knowledge. In addition, disaster experience also affects management preparedness. The findings of this study support that disaster experience affects employee and management preparedness..   Research Implications: The practical and theoretical implications of this research are discussed, providing insight into how the results may be applied or influence practice in the field of occupational safety and health. These implications may include public fuel station workers who have highly fire-prone workplaces.   Originality/Value: This research can contribute to improving occupational health and safety which can have an impact on preparedness of employees and management. The results of this study can help employees and management by educating them about the elements that can cause a decrease in performance elements that can improve preparedness in the face of fire hazards that may occur in the future.


RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental

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