1. Dinh Ngoc Hoa (2019), Sources of evidence according to Vietnamese civil procedure law, Master's Thesis in Law, Faculty of Law - Hanoi National University, p. 42.
2. Electronic newspaper People's Court Journal (2021), Difficulties and challenges in electronic data in the Criminal Procedure Code 2015, access source: https://tapchitoaan.vn/bai-viet/nghien-cuu/kho-khan-vuong-mac-ve-du-lieu-dien-tu-trong-bo-luat-to-tung-hinh-su-nam- 2015 , accessed date: May 10, 2023.
3. Faculty of Law - Hanoi National University (2014), Textbook of Vietnamese Civil Procedure Law, Hanoi National University Publishing House, p. 161, 162.
4. Government (2020), Decree No. 08/2020/ND-CP dated January 8, 2020, “On the organization and operation of bailiffs”.
5. Hanoi Law University (2014), Vietnam Civil Procedure Law Textbook, Security Publisher, p. 175, 176.