1. Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü
In this study, it was aimed to design a mobile Run Flat tire changer for (3) piece Run Flat of the tires of Anti Riot Vehicle. Solidworks, one of the CAD applications was used. Analysis processes were performed multiple times and the stress on the components of the design were checked. According to results, the last cross-sectional areas and dimensions were determined. At the first stage of study, rigid models of the equipments were set up. At the second stage, statistical analyses were executed. At the final stage, Von Mises Stress (MPa) and Ures Displacement (mm) values were calculated and the results were examined. Von Mises Stress (MPa) value of the arm mechanism was calculated as 222,4 MPa; Ures Displacement (mm) value of that was calculated as 0,407 mm; Coefficient of Safety was calculated as 1,57. As the size of the arm mechanism were increased, ergonomics of the model was affected negatively but Von Mises Stress (MPa) and Ures Displacement (mm) values were decreased. Maximum stresses and deformations were occurred on the surface of the tip. The design which provided workplace safety was achieved by maintaining the Coefficient of Safety high.
Makina Muhendisleri Odasi (Chamber of Mechanical Engineering)
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