Material selection in the engineering design process is a challenging process because there are many materials and many contradictory features that must be together. The plough is the most important and basic tool of tillage. Large abrasions, cracks and even sudden breaks can occur in the plough that cultivates the soil. For this reason, the material chosen for the production of the ploughshares is extremely important. In this study, first of all, the criteria that are important in the selection of ploughshares iron were determined, and the criteria were weighted with the Interval Shannon Entropy method. Material preference ranking was made using "the Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution" (FTOPSIS) technique. According to the result, the order of the ploughshare’s material selection criteria is, respectively; hardness, wear percentage, toughness, tensile stress, thermal conductivity and cost. As a result of the selection made using the FTOPSIS method; It has been determined that 33MnCrB5(1.7185) should be preferred in the first place among the candidate materials, and then the order of preference should be 51CrV4(1.8159), 60SiMn5(SAE9262), 41CrMo4 (1.7225QT-4140), respectively. Sensitivity analysis was performed at α =0.1,0.5 and 0.9 levels. Three α -cutting levels were identical to the sequence of alternatives.
Makina Muhendisleri Odasi (Chamber of Mechanical Engineering)
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