Hendari Rini,Ahmad Dahlan H,Martiningsih Martiningsih
Objective: This study was to explore the actions and factors causing abortion, killing and disposal of babies qualitatively in the detention center of Class II B, Raba Bima, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.Methods: This was a descriptive qualitative study to explore the actions and factors causing abortion, killing and disposal of the baby. Six subjects were purposively selected as they had more information. Content analysis was used for data analysis. A member-check and crosscheck triangulation were performed to ensure the trustworthiness of the data.Results: Findings emerged from data, namely: factors that cause adolescent abortion, killing and disposal of baby (internal factors, family factors and partner factors), the way to do those actions (to take medicine, by the help of health workers, shaman and the nearest person), and behavior after doing abortion, killing and disposal of baby.Conclusion: Understanding the factors affecting abortion, killing and disposal of baby among adolescents and the way how they did them as well as their behavior after all of these activities might help health practitioners to find the strategies to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancy which lead to abortion, killing and infant disposal.
Program Studi D-IV Keperawatan, Bima Politeknik Kesehatan Mataram Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia