Sowing depth and sowing density are considered important factors that affect the yield and profitability of crop cultivation. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of differentiated sowing depths and rates on the yield components and seed yield of two faba bean morphotypes: Bobas – indeterminate growth habit and Granit – determinate growth habit, grown in Southwestern Poland in the years 2011–2013. The course of weather in the years of research had the strongest impact on the studied yield components and yield. The indeterminate Bobas cultivar was characterized by the most beneficial morphological traits, compared to the determinate Granit cultivar. Among the tested sowing rates, 60 and 75 seeds per 1 m2 caused the highest yield. The depth of sowing had only a significant effect on seed yield; the highest yield was found at 5 cm compared to deeper sowing.
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
General Materials Science
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