
Suchanek Fabian M.1,Abiteboul Serge1,Senellart Pierre2


1. INRIA Saclay -- Île-de-France, rue Jacques Monod, Orsay Cedex, France

2. Institut Télécom; Télécom ParisTech; CNRS LTCI, Paris Cedex, France


One of the main challenges that the Semantic Web faces is the integration of a growing number of independently designed ontologies. In this work, we present paris, an approach for the automatic alignment of ontologies. paris aligns not only instances, but also relations and classes. Alignments at the instance level cross-fertilize with alignments at the schema level. Thereby, our system provides a truly holistic solution to the problem of ontology alignment. The heart of the approach is probabilistic, i.e., we measure degrees of matchings based on probability estimates. This allows paris to run without any parameter tuning. We demonstrate the efficiency of the algorithm and its precision through extensive experiments. In particular, we obtain a precision of around 90% in experiments with some of the world's largest ontologies.


VLDB Endowment


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,Water Science and Technology,Geography, Planning and Development

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1. Linking Entities across Relations and Graphs;ACM Transactions on Database Systems;2024-01-03

2. Comparative study on ontology matching tools and methods;WOMEN IN PHYSICS: 7th IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics;2024

3. Review of Deep Learning-Based Entity Alignment Methods;Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing;2024

4. Diverse Structure-aware Relation Representation in Cross-Lingual Entity Alignment;ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data;2023-12-29

5. Complex Representation Learning with Graph Convolutional Networks for Knowledge Graph Alignment;International Journal of Intelligent Systems;2023-12-02







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