Mayulu Hamdi,Annisa Puteri Sarah Shevi,Anindyasari Dinar,Daru Taufan Purwokusumaning,Tricahyadinata Irsan,Christiyanto Marry,Rorimpandey Boyke
This research aimed to investigate the profitability of beef cattle fattening businesses in Balikpapan City, Indonesia. To determine the research location, a thorough survey was conducted, and 40 farmers were selected as respondents using a purposive sampling method. The inclusion criteria were ownership of at least 2 beef cattle with a rearing period of over 1 year, engagement in fattening businesses, and proximity to the research area. The data obtained were analyzed through a series of tabulation, correction, and evaluation using profitability analysis which included Net Profit Margin (NPM) and Gross Profit Margin (GPM). Profitability analysis showed that NPM was 54.72% and GPM was 67.33%. Based on the results, it was concluded that beef cattle fattening businesses in the North Balikpapan Sub-district were economically viable and had the potential for sustainable development.
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