Isolation and identification of seed borne fungi on dry bean and determination of their location on seed coats


Lashger Ibtisam, M.,El gali Zahra,I.,Khalifa Hanan A


This study was conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Omar AL-Mukhtar, during the growing seasons 2014-2015, aiming to justify many objectives including  isolation and identification of seed-borne fungal pathogen on dry bean (Phaseolus  vulgaris L.). The study also aimed to determine the location of pathogens on seed parts. The Seed samples were collected from the local market and underwent an isolation process after the surface sterilization of seeds to know the most important plant pathogens carried on beans seeds and determine their location and estimate their severity.  Our results indicated that ten pathogenic fungi were isolated  and  identified as (Alternaria sp, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium sp ,Fusarium solani, Fusarium oxysporium ,Chaetumium sp,Rhizoctonia sp,Cladosporium sp, Botrytis cinearea). Results also emphasized the presence of fungi   Rhizoctonia sp, Chaetumium sp in the seed coat, and Aspergillus sp ,Penicillium sp in embryio, While fungus Fusarium solani, ,Cladosporium sp, F. oxysporium , Alternaria sp  ,Penicillium sp were noted in Cotyledons . 


Omar Al-Mukhtar University

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