Characterization of Jurassic mudstones of the Northwest Caucasus as a raw material for clinker tile production


Orlova M. E.1,Lapunova K. A.1


1. Don State Technical University


The article characterizes Jurassic mudstones of the North-West Caucasus as a potential raw material for the production of clinker tiles with water absorption of less than 3%. It is noted that traditional for the south of Russia raw materials for the production of ceramic bricks and tiles in the last centuries were various types of loams, which are widely distributed almost throughout the territory. However, for a number of reasons, they cannot be considered as raw materials for the production of clinker tiles, for which there has been a steady demand in recent years, especially on the Black Sea coast. Geographically, the Jurassic sediments in the Krasnodar region are traced in a wide strip (50–100 km) at a distance of 20 to 60 km from the coast. These are the oldest rocks in the region. The thickness of numerous mudstones varies from a few to many tens of meters. The chemical composition of mudstones is characterized by the content of aluminum oxide from 17 to 22 %, increased content of potassium oxide and iron oxides. The mineral composition is represented by hydrous mica, kaolinite and chlorite with admixture of quartz and feldspars. Pre-firing properties of argillites can be regulated by the degree of grinding. In terms of sinterability, argillites are qualified as a strong-medium sintering raw material of low-temperature sintering with high strength of ceramic stone. The results and analysis of the obtained data allow us to assert that the Jurassic mudstones of the North-West Caucasus are potentially suitable raw materials for production of clinker tiles with a wide range of physical and technical properties using a simplified technology.



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