L’approccio more-than-cyberplace nei casi di attivismo per l’ambiente. La storia della riserva naturale di Glen of the Downs (Irlanda)


Albanese Valentina1ORCID


1. Università degli Studi dell'Insubria


Abstract The More-than-Cyberplace Approach for Environmental Activism: Insights from the Glen of the Downs Nature Reserve (Ireland) Eco-warriors are a group of activists who have been fighting for many years to protect ecosystems threatened by human action. This paper aims to examine ex-post the case of the oldest natural reserve in Ireland, Glen of the Downs, which provided a context in which an innovative example of activism in Europe has been developed, especially since 1997, marking a change of direction from environmental blocks to safeguard biodiversity and the ecosystems. The collection of secondary data offered by documents and videos of that period offers a numeral of arguments to reflect the need for a multi-disciplinary and multi-scalar interpretative framework. Therefore, the conceptual category of more-thancyberplace is suggested for the interpretation of the case study.


Led Edizioni Universitarie

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