The paper analyses the (metaphorical) expression of emotions in Romanian and French idioms containing the Romanian nouns obraz and its French counterparts joue (cheek). After having examined the lexical and semantic combinations of the lexeme obraz, ranging from its lexicographic definition and its semantic values in the body idioms, we sought their equivalents in French, in order to draw a comparison of the conceptual cores actualised by this part of the body in the two languages. Admittedly, the present work focuses on the conceptualisation of emotions in body idioms containing the Romanian obraz / French joue. The corpus on which our analysis is based is made up of Dictionnaire phraséologique français-roumain authored by Elena Gorunescu, as well as of the Romanian-French corpus entitled Corpul omenesc în expresii (domeniul român-francez) [Human body idioms (Romanian-French)] where we identified the body phraseological units in the envisaged pair of languages.
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