In-situ Empirical Characterization of Constructive Typologies and Vulnerability Factors of Historical Nuclei, as a Prerequisite for the Construction of Suitable Experimental and Numerical Models - Case of the Dellys Kasbah


Bougdal Kamal,Cherif Nabila


This article aims to characterize empirically the constructive typologies of the Kasbah of Dellys, Algeria and the damage associated with them following the 2003 earthquake. Visual recognition is essential as a prerequisite for the definition of experimental programs and simulation tools based on the typological characteristics of these discrete structures. From the corollary of the data collected, there are categories of vulnerabilities involving building scales ranging from masonry apparatus to built aggregates and structural components. To this end, an adapted theoretical experimental protocol is outlined, combining several methods and levels of urbanfabric, structures and material investigations in accordance with the heritage character and the progress of research on weak masonry structures.


Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


General Medicine

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