The study delved into the experiences of newly hired teachers as they grappled with challenges within their work environment. The research involved eight teacher-participants who were newly hired educators in public elementary schools within the Compostela West District of the Davao de Oro Division. These participants were purposefully selected as informants. Thematic content analysis showed that the obstacles faced by newly hired instructors in transitioning to the work environment were instructional and classroom management. According to the data, these teachers struggled to determine the most effective instructional tactics and manage classroom dynamics. Meanwhile, the coping strategies employed by newly hired teachers were Asking help from mentors and co-teachers and adapting to work environment. Based on the challenges and coping strategies identified, the study proposed the following insights: Strengthen support to novice teachers and intensify mentorship. Providing technical and material resources to aid newly hired teachers were helpful for effective instructional strategies.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
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