Optimising the Energy and Resources of Hotel Buildings in Cameroon from a Zero-Carbon Perspective


Nkasse Alain Aba,Sokamte Genevieve Mazokou


This article explores the potential for Cameroonian hotel buildings to achieve optimal energy and resource use, contributing to a zero-carbon future. It examines the opportunities that lie in high-performing hotels to achieve the country's ambitious environmental objectives such as reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 32% by 2035 compared with the reference scenario under the Paris Agreement. Then, the article delves into the existing landscape of green building labels and certifications while focusing on those related on hotels specifically like the Green Key. It acknowledges the various hotels categories present in the country and how their specific characteristics influence resource demands. Additionally, it presents the regulations governing the construction and conversion of hotel establishments. Furthermore, the article discusses strategies for optimising the performance of building resources within the tropical context. These involve improving the insulation of the building envelope, the efficiency of systems and the use of renewable energy sources. The article highlights the importance of the prescriptive approach for assessing and the energy performance approach for optimising building performance, using the accessible EDGE energy simulation software. Those approaches are defined in the Ivorian Inter-ministerial Order No. 134/MPEER/MCLU of 18 November 2020, given that Cameroon and Côte d'Ivoire have some similar climate zones. To achieve the EDGE Zero Carbon level, it is essential to demonstrate minimum savings of 40% of energy, 20% of water and 20% of grey energy in materials, and 100% of energy- related emissions neutralised either by renewable energies or by carbon offsets. Finally, the concept of green financing is introduced, examining its potential to facilitate


International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

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